40 Day Meditation For Listening and Presence

Welcome to your transformational

40-day meditation journey.



Do You Ever Crave Silence in this Noisy World Of Information?


I’ve been feeling the pull of the world lately, all the noise, the doing and going and being!!!



We just shifted into the second half of the year with Summer Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, and Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, I sense we need to deeply listen now.


Listen for what wants to be revealed to us for our journey into the next cycle of the year, and where we’ve been in the previous half.


We get cues all the time from our natural world, from the cycle of inhale to exhale, sunrise to sunset, new to full moon and on and on.

But how often and artfully are we truly listening to what’s showing itself to us? How do we listen to how we’ve grown, what we’ve accomplished, and how it feels, how it fits… if it still fits?


Do we listen to all the ways we could actually rest in the not doing so we can recharge and come back with fresh perspectives in our “doingness”? Or are we even uncomfortable with the idea of not doing?


We will breathe and listen to whatever wants to reveal itself to us during this 40-day journey. We’ll do a simple breathing meditation, Long Deep Breathing and we’ll listen.


In my experience, showing up in meditation on the daily is the ultimate game-changer in life! Every aspect of your life will benefit from your commitment!!!




Benefits of

Long Deep Breathing


  • * Relaxing and Calming

  • * Helps Ease Depression by regulating endorphins

  • * Strengthens Parasympathetic Nervous System for easeful integration, rest, and restoration for the body.

  • * Strengthens Lungs and Magnetic Field

  • Reduces Stress

Over our time together you’ll tap into the infinite courage within you.


Committing to your wellness for 40-days is huge AND will serve you well in life. This is meant to be fun, challenging, and insightful.


YOU ARE WORTH showing up for yourself! 



You’ll receive:


* 11 Minute Daily practice video (Do at your convenience) 


* Private Facebook Portal for support and connection.

* One Full Moon (on 7/16) and One New Moon (on 7/31) Sound Healing Shamanic Journey in our Private FB group.


Want to deepen your 40~Day Journey with a Kundalini Yoga class practice? The kind where you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home? 😉


I’ve created an added offering including the 40-day meditation + access to my monthly Kundalini Portal where you can explore full yoga practices and all content on site. (new content added monthly).


40-day meditation ($44 ) + monthly access to my Monthly Kundalini Portal ($22) = $66.

Choose the appropriate option below.

Sample of a Kundalini Portal Recorded Class

Love Letters from other Meditators!

So much growth, so much courage, so much love!

I hope to journey with you on this next one friend!

Sat Nam, Tanya

40 Day Meditation For Listening and Presence

Meditation starts on the New Moon, July 2, 2019, and we'll journey through August 10, 2019


Choose your tier and I'll see you on the mat...


* 40-Day Meditation ($44)

* 40-Day Meditation ($44) + Monthly Kundalini Portal ($22) = $66

I'm looking forward to being with you through these 40 days of transformation, insight, and growth.


*** CART CLOSES July 1, 2019 ***


Sat Nam, Tanya ❤️ 


Your 40 Day Journey Includes

11 Minute Daily Meditation Practice Video

Private Facebook Group For Daily Support and Accountability

Deeper Soul Offering ~ Monthly Portal Access for Full Classes

A Full Moon and New Moon Live Shamanic Sound Journey

Recent Products

Receive my FREE New Moon Christos Sophia Sound Meditation gift from the abode of my heart to yours. In service to the Rose Songs and Oracle, Tanya.

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