A Dance with Darkness

There’s a magnitude of love which begins to reveal itself when we have the courage to look deeply within our hearts! You may sense a new breeze dancing across your face. Whispering for you to try another way, encouraging you to step outside your habitual reactions, pushing you to explore untapped creativity and source, and enticing you to love with greater abandon.

As new winds carry us into fall, I’m lured back to the beginning stages of The Dancing Soul. The post beckoning me is Dark and Fragile Heart. I wrote this in 2011, and through that experience I knew I was learning how to be more whole and love with a greater sense of abandon, but it was no doubt dirty, nasty, and scary! This summer is revealing more disastrous and beautiful demons dancing in the trenches, but what’s different is me. I’m in a more secure place within my sense of self. I have courage and trust that I can handle anything that arises. I have handled this reveal with more grace and innocence than before. In this realization, I know I’m growing stronger and revealing more of my authentic self every day with great courage to be vulnerable!

Maya Angelou said, “Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.

With this in mind, when my old demons resurface from the trenches and try to compel me into a dance with darkness, first, I call upon courage. I trust in myself and source, and this allows me to begin the arduous journey of diving into the unknown choreography. Second, I don’t falter in my commitment to love, and then I’m able to dance with my demons in their ever swirling intensity of darkness. I do this without trying to change the steps or figure out what’s next. I try to simply be present with it, allow it to be authentic, and watch the transformation happen. . . The darkness yearns to be whole and illuminated. Have courage and fly on the new winds, and watch how an old dance with darkness becomes a new dance with the light!

Love and Light,


When you actually awaken to the Truth, you will see that through every circumstance and experience you have always been loved. It is amazing to see there is a thread of love running through every single moment. There never was a victim, not even for a moment. And even though it may have seemed painful, it was just a fierce sword that was there to get you to really see the Truth . . . Truth can dance into existence in many forms, pleasurable and not pleasurable. Behind every experience is love . . . Close the gap between what is and what you want it to be, between what is presenting itself and what you want to present itself. This gap of judgment is the separation you feel. You need to totally choose what is and lean into it with your whole being . . . This is where the magic happens. ~ Adyashanti ~ Emptiness Dancing

Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances

Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances

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A Collective Venus Evening Star Oracle Divination

A Collective Venus Evening Star Oracle Divination

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It's time to awaken your rhythyms of inner bliss