The Knowing
Teaching my first dance class in college while earning my BS in Exercise Science/Dance Minor, was the beginning of understanding the Muse and how I hold space. From graduation in 2000 on continue to choreograph richly layered ways of space holding… Teaching Pilates privately and in group classes, moonlighting as a Stress Test Technician, a Health Screener/Coach/Health Ed Speaker, studying the ways of the Neurofascial and Nervous System, learning to share sound/music as art and meditation, my yoga/meditation/mantra studies, travels, learning the ways of cyclical living by the Moon, Venus, Sun, Seasonal Dance and Wheel of The Year cycles, and two years as an Oracle Arts apprentice, lands us here today. This dance has awakened the importance of being present and humble when holding space. To embrace our individual journeys. To cultivate our unique ways. To honor and respect my teachers and cultures of these ways I tend. I can’t wait to get to know you better. Read on for more of my story … My wish is to be a clear vessel to benefit the Web of Life!
The Beginnings
I’ve always had a curiosity for the deeper meaning behind life and being a life long student. I wouldn’t say I grew up feeling like I fit in; I was self-conscious, awkward, and hard on myself. But, being surrounded by music in my childhood home, in middle school band, and on to study movement and dance in college and 20+ years of performing in dance, was the Muse that would allow me to ground into myself and navigate my trauma healing.
I earned my B.S. in Exercise Science/Dance and moved across country for an internship in 2000 to complete my degree and work at a Private Fitness Center, As life would unfold, I would move back home from LA to Florida and navigate starting my career, continuing studies, experience heartbreak, challenging times, learning experiences, dance performances, ballroom dance competitions, and amazing teachers.
From the encouragement of a friend, I started a blog, and The Dancing Soul website was birthed in 2011, and this opened new paths of studies for me. I earned my 200 hr Hatha Yoga teacher training at the ShambhavAnanda Shoshoni Yoga School in Boulder Colorado. Began my deep dive into Neurofascial and Connective Tissue studies with Sue Hitzman, creator of the Melt Method. I experienced new depths of my heart in the grief of losing my mother in 2014, I met new layers of myself in India during a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training with Gurmukh Khalsa. I completed a Sound Healing workshop and training with Jay Schwed, Level 1 Gong Training with Mike Tamburo with guest teacher, Thomas Orr Anderson. Continuing education studies with Dig Deeper Sound programs by Thomas Orr Anderson, Mike Tamburo, and Mitch Nur, and countless hours of self study in the Physics and Art of Sound meditation, are part of my ongoing studies. I’ve studied with Lynda Arnold of Divasonic Music Academy for various instruments including Native Flute, Yoga of Piano, Devotional Voice, and Get Amplified Audio Production Course.
I’ve completed a Priestess of the Rose year long course and a Priestesses of The Moon Program with Achintya Devi and Ameya Cohen, both assisting my deepening into slow lunar and seasonal living/rituals/practices. I completed a Moon Guide Facilitator training with April McMurty to share cyclical living with others. In 2022 I completed my second year of ceremony/divination/ritual training in the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship with Isis Indriya of The Academy of Oracle Arts.
I offer spaces to drop out of the mind and into the heart and body through New and Full Moon Sound Meditations, 40 Day Meditations linked with the Venus cycle, Seasonal Sound Mysticums to reconnect with cyclical living. I have a Sound Meditation School for you to explore how you can incorporate sound into your own life as a meditative and self care tool. I’m a published sound meditation artist on Insight Timer.
I’m grateful to my teachers, in all areas of life, and for the lifelong music of my voice, my heart, and my soul! And so the dance continues.
“You’ve truly inspired me, Tanya! I’ve learned to take care of myself because of you. Dancing and performing as often as I am, I don’t hurt the way I used to, and if I do I just reset and start over. My body has more stamina because of Melt!”
From a young age, I’ve been fascinated by books and how they open new worlds. I could learn anything I wanted, meet people in the pages who were like me, and most fascinating, those unlike me. Books were my ultimate escape from a world I felt misunderstood. It was in school I began to find a sense of stability. I was intrigued by the language of anything new, new perspectives, new words, new worlds, glimpses of others thoughts, feelings, and findings. It invigorated my entire being to be seen in these ways. From this, a deep sense of inspiration was planted. Being a student is one of my favorite parts of being a teacher. I’m inspired by the amazing teachers who have graced my path and all those yet to show up. I’m not sure what I did in other lifetimes to have the pleasure and deep honor to be a teacher in this one, but I hold it sacred every day and every time I step up to share.
The spiritual seeker in me has been present since I can remember. I seek depth and meaning to life, especially in areas it appears void. Even in my darkest moments; there was a presence of deepest medicine underneath in the dark womb. Sun and Moon would illuminate a path to my most profound classrooms here in earth school, where I would learn some of my greatest lessons. The seeds of this depth and meaning were watered by my education, my Yogic, Sound, Occult Science studies, and my love and passion for this body and Somatic Movement. They allowed me to witness others and Self in vulnerability, face fears, step out of comfort zones, and ultimately, were places I felt a sense of belonging. To this day, the dance of Yin/Yang continues to nurture the importance of holding space for others, to be kind, and to honor each other’s journeys. I continue to find inspiration from my students, friends, family, and humanity at large, and these roots continue to cultivate a deep sense of compassion for our unique medicine.
My fascination with how the body works began early. I remember growing up with the exercise shows on PBS, and begging my father to sign me up for a subscription to monthly exercise/nutrition cards. I loved them; I would study them with such curiosity. Ultimately, they gave me a glimpse of these beautiful vessels we’re gifted. At eleven years old, I did yoga for the first time. It was a Redbook VHS tape from the library and my life would never be the same. The Muse I’ve always sensed, even in younger years, was fleeting. I couldn’t hold on to it, but in yoga, I felt it again, and this time, I was aware of its relation to my body. This connection would teach me how to hold the inspirations for longer periods. The dormant seed was deeply nurtured and laid the groundwork for a life of exploration into how my mind, my soul, and my body relate to one another and the whole. I spent time at two Ashrams for a month each, one in the states and one in India in 2015 to go deeper into these ancient ways with deep honor for the culture who birthed them. For the rest of my life, I will continue to dance in the sweet rhythms yoga awakens in me. I’m honored to share these ancient teachings with all of you through mantra and body explorations.