Behind the Scenes at The Dancing Soul!

It is day 4 already of the 5 Day Periscope Challenge! I woke up to a cool notification. My mentor in the Periscope challenge does a scope each week on the 6 Up and Coming people to watch on Periscope, and she named me as one of them this week! Uhm, what?? Are you joking?? That was an amazing surprise. I am loving this process of stepping outside of my comfort zone and putting myself out there to promote my small business! It is NOT always easy, but it is so worth it!

The first scope challenge of the day was a “Behind the Scenes” . . .A fun behind the scenes Periscope challenge!! Get a sneak peek into The Dancing Soul and my home studio space. This is where my private clients come to learn MELT, Pilates, Yoga, general self care geekiness, and where I Skype with my clients! Remember, I just moved in so it’s not completely put together yet … ?

Well, the second challenge was a fun activity! I wanted to play 20 questions, and of course, it was supposed to be interactive, but no takers! My viewers didn’t want to play!  Maybe next one! LOL!!


I love working on the inner thigh. It never fails to free up my back space and hips!

The inner thighs are part of our core stabilizing system. Stuck stress here could be indicative of core instability!

Contact me for ways you can MELT with me and ease your back pain!

I have some great classes and series coming up so be sure to check out my schedule.





Love and Light,


“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”  ― Robert F. Kennedy

Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances

Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances

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A Collective Venus Evening Star Oracle Divination

A Collective Venus Evening Star Oracle Divination

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It's time to awaken your rhythyms of inner bliss