Day 1 - MELTed Self-Care Instagram Challenge is here!
I’m so excited for this first day of the MELTed Self Care Challenge! I’ve been loving seeing all your beautiful posts and expressions of how you stay hydrated!
Can’t wait for tomorrow to see your favorite way to care for your hands . . .
Here’s a recap of Day one MELTed Self-Care and Day 15 of my Flow It Together Instagram Yoga Challenge. (For days 1-14 please check out my Instagram Feed or my Facebook page via the links on any page here at The Dancing Soul. All the challenges I’ve done the past 3 months will live on my Yoga page soon for easy reference
MELTed Self-Care Challenge Day 1: Get Hydrated
Snap a pic of your favorite drinking receptacle!
We all know that being hydrated is SUPER important. It allows for better metabolism, improved energy and can even brighten your skin! For optimal hydration, worry less about drinking larger volumes of water and more about sipping it frequently throughout the day.
Tag #MELTedSelfCare and@indigokinetics and @thedancingsoul
Day 1 is finally here!!
I have two favorites … My Dancing Soul mug for my hot lemon water every morning BEFORE my food or cup of coffee! Go ahead, look up why it’s so good for you … Too many ways to put on here, but your body will thank you!!
Second is one of my glass water bottles. I never leave home without one! Good for me and the environment!!
Be sure to check out my co hosts expression for day 1 @indigokinetics … Keep in mind she’s west coast time Use hashtag #MELTedSelfCare, and tag myself @thedancingsoul and @indigokinetics. For local peeps use #meltpalmbeach Love and Light,
Day 15 of #flowittogether is #virabhadrasana –#warriorpose. It felt so great to MELT 6 lovely ladies today in class, and then a small performance with AGWA at a Lake Worth St. Patricks day event. A bit of Yoga felt really good to come home to! Don’t forget you can still keep up with my MELT posts via the#MELTedSelfCare Challenge happening for the next 14 days. A great way to fine tune your self care routines and share what you love … Its NOT too late to join! Check out my profile for more details on how to get in on fun!!
“Let us go forth, the tellers of tales, and seize whatever prey the heart long for, and have no fear. Everything exists, everything is true, and the earth is only a little dust under our feet.” ― W.B. Yeats
Love and Light,
Protected: Sounds of Imbolc
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Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances
Venus Celestial Inspirations in Culture and Mythology, Oracle Divination Highlights, and 2022 Morning Star Moon Dances. As with many cultural myths and stories of the hero/heroine's journey, we are gifted allegories as inspiration to reflect upon our own life's...
A Collective Venus Evening Star Oracle Divination
I’m still a baby in my third year working with Venus ceremonially, and Yesterday/Venus Day, I did a group Oracle Divination for the Evening Star phase🌹🌚It’s meant to nurture our path with Venus. Whether at Earth Star, or Root Gate as I am, it’s for this entire...