What does Fitness and Wellness Mean to You?

The future of fitness is changing, and traditional methods of how our bodies maintain stability, balance, strength, and power are being challenged through new and fascinating molecular and cellular fascial research.

Sue Hitzmann, my teacher and MELT creator has taken this highly abstract research and applied it to the living human body in her brilliant method, MELT!   As one of her students and teachers of MELT , I cannot put into words how her work has transformed my career and my ability to continue dancing at 38 years old, with less effort and much less pain!!

The time is now, we, as living three dimensional beings, do not function as  we are depicted in anatomy books. We are far far more than muscles and bones, and if you truly want to function in life, or in a sport/activity in a much more dynamic and responsive way, MELT is for you!  As Sue Hitzmann explains in The MELT Method Book,  “The Body’s Brain … The latest studies about connective tissue confirm that there is a massive amount of communication occurring within the body with little to no input from your central nervous system or brain. Cell to cell, organ to organ, and joint to joint, this communication is occurring on an electrical and vibrational level through the fluid system of the connective tissue. At any given moment there is more information being transmitted through the connective tissue system than there is through the nervous system. Furthermore, the speed of connective tissue communication is more complex and frequently faster.” (Hitzmann, p. 31)

Follow this link to Sue’s MELT Matters Blog and watch the Future of Fitness interview. It’s such a lighthearted and fun interview that will leave you feeling empowered about where the future of wellness is moving! We do not have to live in pain and age poorly, and to quote Jessica Corbin, the interviewer, Sue’s one of the “biggest bad asses” in this cutting edge industry of Self Care!! Enjoy the interview …


I will close today with an excerpt from an interview with the brilliant Tom Myers, author of Anatomy Trains.  And today, ask yourself, what does fitness and wellness mean to you? How effortlessly does your body adapt to the demands of your environment, or recover from stressful events, or feel after intense exercise or athletic events/performances? Learn how your body can regain better strength, mobility, adaptation and ease by learning how to address the missing link in our health and wellness routines. Join me in April and learn how you can become your own hands off bodyworker!


Love and Light,


For many people, fitness is still all about lifting weights to build bulk,” Myers says. “But what does that make you fit for? I’d argue that this is a much more physically fit human than a bodybuilder is.” On the screen is a photo of a baby boy rolling on his back, blissfully drinking a bottle that he holds with his feet. Cute, sure; but more important, the little nipper is limber, balanced, and able to match impulse with action. “You are fit if you can adapt to the demands of your environment with ease and imagination,” Myers says.

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