Great Way to Build a MELT Habit!
How are you doing with your MELT treatments? Haven’t gotten into a routine of self-care yet?
Here’s a suggestion, give yourself a month to get in the habit of doing a Mini Soft Ball treatment. That’s all! No worries on anything else right now! As soon as you wake up, have some water, and do this quick treatment. Maybe before or after brushing your teeth. Think of melt like an internal brushing ... Clean the cobwebs out and get the juices moving.
Pictured here is a Grip Assess (upper left), Glide (lower left), Shear (upper right), Rinse, and Friction Melting, which takes less than two minutes to do. No excuses! I know you have two minutes, you are worth at least that if not WAY more in my own opinion. ? But, let’s start small to build a habit! In case you are not familiar with MELT, I have a few workshops and a series coming up so check or contact me to get in a Skype session.
Seriously guys, it takes less than a few minutes added to your morning routine to begin making positive changes and activate your body’s healing mechanisms. These 5 techniques will make huge shifts for your nervous system. So what are you waiting for? “Get In Your Body Get Out Of Pain”
Some Neurostrength for stability this evening. Releve always helps me to feel more grounded, lighter in my legs, and brings integrity back to my ankle.
? It’s a winner!!!?
I want to share some serious love . . . First, It’s my first full week in my new apartment and I’m digging it. I had so many plans to get out this week to dance, etc., yet almost every night I’m enjoying being home and getting settled so I’ve let them fall by the wayside for the remainder of this week. ???
Second, I was hired by a new client this morning for weekly sessions and one thing I know for sure, it never gets old teaching someone who has been told by a Dr her only options were pain meds, steroid injections, or surgery, that there are indeed other less invasive and more holistic options for her!
After her first treatment session, she joyfully expressed how she felt really great after what we did and gave me a huge hug! Her daughter sent a text to me and here are her lovely words,
“Dear Tanya
Thank you so much for helping my Mom today…nice to hear her laugh again. You are a blessing and healer. Eve?” . . .
I love getting these words of love! We have so much potential to heal and thrive in this life. Truly, it doesn’t get much better than sharing this brilliant work and teaching you all how to self care and live vibrant and pain free lives! It makes my heart shine!! ?☺?☺?☺?
By the way, how did your mini soft ball treatment go this morning? Did you feel better? Did it take much time? If you forgot, no worries, there’s always tomorrow or right now ??????
Love and Light,