MELT on Nightline and Good Morning America!
Happy Thursday!
Here it is . . . MELT was featured on Nightline and then the companion segment on Good Morning America this morning.
Sue Hitzmann, MELT creator and my teacher, worked with a fitness instructor who has been suffering from chronic knee and hip pain … hear her story, it’s so powerful!
“People feel more pain in their fascia than in their muscles …” “The fascia wraps and twists around the acupuncture needle and when it’s released …” So many wonderful explanations of why it’s important for you to care for your fascia!
MELT has had more amazing coverage in the news these past few months! We are so excited and proud over here in MELT-land! We all hope you are inspired to find a MELT teacher in your area after watching how others are changing the face of living with chronic pain.
Go to the MELT Finder link to find a trained MELT teacher in your area.
Here is the first segment from Nightline . . .
World News Videos | US News Videos
And here is the follow up segment on Good Morning America . . .
World News Videos | US News Videos
With all this wonderful news coverage, I’ve extended my early bird discount through Saturday at Midnight for Sunday’s hips and backs workshop.
I hope you’ll join me and give MELT a try. Your body will thank you for the gentle attention!
Click here for more information and registration.
And lastly, remember our MELTed Self Care Instagram Challenge begins this Sunday.
For more information and all the details check out my blog post here.
Happy MELTing!
Love and Light,
BS Exercise Science/Dance
Advanced MELT Method Teacher
RYT200/Certified Pilates Teacher
Contact me here
Learn more about MELT here
Learn more ways to MELT with me here
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