Love, Light, and MELT at Omega!
I just spent an amazing weekend at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies with Sue Hitzmann, my teacher, mentor, and MELT Method creator. This sacred space that is Omega, truly realigns your energy field and washes away old patterns that no longer serve you. The healing and growth that has been happening here since the 70’s is palpable as you drive up to the campus! There were so many amazing teachers there sharing their heart space and wisdom, and the people attending the various workshops were vibrating love and light at levels so high of a frequency one can’t help but shift to a higher vibration … it was life-changing to say the least!
And, on the day I was leaving, 500 people were arriving to spend time with Eckhart Tolle, the campus was ALIVE, and talk about opportunities for further growth and opening of your heart space … vibrations are incredible in numbers of that magnitude! To top it off, when I dropped off my dorm key to check out, I walked out of the door, and a woman said “shhh, be still, look” … There stood the two most beautiful deer I’ve ever seen looking straight at us. My friend Dee, the woman, the two deer, and I all stood there in silence for about 30 seconds connecting, then they gently went on their way, and in 2 graceful seconds were out of sight! The woman said she’s never seen them in the open when its such a busy weekend, and she’s been going there for a long time … “this must be just for you guys”, she says. I knew this was a sign of old patterns released and the growth that happened over the weekend. I have been a long time student of Native American Animal Wisdom, and over 19 years ago I had my totem spread done, yes, you guessed it, deer is one of my totem animals. Here is an excerpt for the meaning of deer totem …
The meanings associated with the deer combine both soft, gentle qualities with strength and determination:
Ability to move through life and obstacles with grace
Being in touch with inner child, innocence
Being sensitive and intuitive
Vigilance, ability to change directions quickly
Magical ability to regenerate, being in touch with life’s mysteries
Now about MELTing at Omega . . . Not only were old negative patterns washing away here on campus, but we were literally MELTing old patterns from our connective tissues as well. MELT cultivates space for a true mind, body, and soul healing experience! Sharing space in the MELT workshop with 75 like-minded people interested in taking a proactive approach to their health, well it was an amazing experience for sure! Sue led us on a journey of self-care in her MELT your pain away immersion! I’m taking every opportunity I can to spend time learning from her. Each time I walk away with so many nuances to apply in my personal practice of MELT, and then in turn I get to share with you so that you may cultivate your personal MELT practice! It’s so incredibly empowering!!
She is truly a force in this realm of self-care! I know for sure, Sue is an amazing teacher who is incredibly invested in sharing her knowledge, talents, heart, and soul with those who wish to be proactive in their health! Never have I met someone with so much passion and knowledge about the body and longevity! I am incredibly grateful to be one of her students and teachers, and in turn to have these opportunities to share with all of you! Love, Light, and MELT at Omega! Life is magnificent and gracious!!
Join me Saturday in Stuart and/or Sunday in Lake Worth and learn how MELT can help you look younger, feel better, stay active longer, and continue building a relationship with your greatest gift, this amazingly renewable and powerful body!
*** Reminder early bird discount ends Thursday at midnight!*** Click here for registration:
Love and Light,
A little proactive self-care goes a long way toward keeping you pain-free and active for a lifetime. – Sue Hitzmann
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Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances
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A Collective Venus Evening Star Oracle Divination
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