MELTed Self Care and INSPIRED YOGIS May IG Challenge!

Thank God for MELT! You can read the rest of my treatment therapy over at (for IG there is a live link in my bio)
“No medicine can cure the damage caused by disregarding the inner intelligence with which we are gift with.”
― Renu Chaudhary, Ayurveda to the Rescue – An Ancient Remedy for Modern Ailments
― Renu Chaudhary, Ayurveda to the Rescue – An Ancient Remedy for Modern Ailments
Catching up on

Day 2 of #INSPIREDYOGIS is #UTTHANPRISTHASANA – #lizardpose with any bind . . . LOL doing anything with this boot is a challenge … it is incredibly heavy!
I’ve realized how important my practice is for healing! When I’m feeling super frustrated because I can’t dance, do simple things, or I have to ask for help again, I remind myself there is a transformation happening here, to relax, and just be where you are right now. I come back to my breath, the present moment and ask, “What is it you are teaching me.?” Yoga is so much more than a physical practice, and it is helping quiet me enough to ask “how will I be different from this experience?”
“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past, or a pioneer of the future.” Deepak Chopra.
Namaste to the hosts
@gordonogden @monkeymix @ rachelanna_yoga @kikasanayogi
and the sponsors @soullovingjewelry @downtown_betty @bohemian_island @teerexdoesyoga @ marycarolinejewelry
@yogapaws @chantyogajewellery @urbanunbound @infinitystrap @thebohemiancowgirls @tsayathletics @synergyclothing
and the sponsors @soullovingjewelry @downtown_betty @bohemian_island @teerexdoesyoga @
@yogapaws @chantyogajewellery @urbanunbound @infinitystrap @thebohemiancowgirls @tsayathletics @synergyclothing
More Healing with MELT and Aromatherapy!

Included a Full Hand treatment as well as a Soft Ball Foot (one foot of course).
I did a little super super light Friction Melting today on my injured foot while on the bed with the large soft ball. I wanted to stimulate the superficial layer of connective tissue and the lymph system, and it helped to relieve the stagnant feeling in my foot.
I added Lower Body Length to this map as well. I just prop up with pillows to protect my ankle.
Finally, I finished with a Rebalance/Upper Body Length, and a lovely Neck Release Sequence.

I started with some Helichrysum and Cypress pictured here … great for breaking up coagulated blood, aids in bone and tissue repair, cypress is said to be a great oil for moving fluids in the body. I’ll include more info about the oils I’m using tomorrow.
I use a carrier oil of coconut all over the area, and then I put a few drops of each oil into my palm and rubbed my hands together and into the area. I covered it with my ace bandage and let it go to work!
I’ll report tomorrow as I’m doing a Hot Aromatherapy Treatment on my ankle tonight before bed. I’ll include the link to the video I found . . .

When I removed my boot and bandage before treatment, there was a red knot on the top of my foot. It was sensitive, but it didn’t hurt or anything. You see here that after MELTing it subsided quite a bit! Strange and cool!
Happy Healing !
Love and Light,
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