MELTed Self Care for Your Soul and Instagram Yoga Challenges!
Hey, they love their self care too …. It’s bath time!!!
I’m so excited to head over to @binduyogastudio tomorrow to introduce @yogalovevibes and her yogis some MELTed Self Care!! There will be some happy bodies … Just sayin’!!! Love and Light!
“Our bodies communicate to us clearly and specifically, if we are willing to listen.” ~Shakti Gawain.
Day 24 of #nourishwithyoga is
#Padmasana – #lotuspose. I’m working on this progression so here is half lotus. Namaste
“Stay in the emptiness of Being.
Just stay there.
It is the only place where you can stay effortlessly.
And when you recognize the effortlessness of your Self,
the idea of ‘staying’ there will gradually fade away.
You don’t have to ‘stay’ as That which is permanent;
permanence does not need to remain as permanence.
It just Is.
~ Mooji
Namaste to the
@momwhatsfordinner @sandra_thornburg
@paisleyanneyoga and sponsors @karmaladesigns
@shencreations @lineagewear @lunajaiathletic @glowgirlfitness @indolovejewelry @rebelaffair @barefootyoga
Day 13 of #blossomintoasanas is#EkaPadaKapotasana–
for Svadhisthana – Sacral-Third Chakra our passion and pleasure center. The Mantra for this chakra is “I Feel”.
Morning Focus for Svadhisthana . . .
“Focus energy toward the key areas of this chakra:
Relationships: Who am I going to be with today?
Work: What am I going to do today?
Money: How do I feel about it today?
Creativity: What am I going to create today? – Caroline Myss
Namaste to the hosts @lonestar_yogi @momwhatsfordinner @brit_labonte and @bad_yogi_trix
and sponsors @onzie @raggedapparel @palmsandsolessa and #nourishtheworkshop@unlock_your_chakra
Love and Light,
Protected: Sounds of Imbolc
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Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances
Venus Celestial Inspirations in Culture and Mythology, Oracle Divination Highlights, and 2022 Morning Star Moon Dances. As with many cultural myths and stories of the hero/heroine's journey, we are gifted allegories as inspiration to reflect upon our own life's...
A Collective Venus Evening Star Oracle Divination
I’m still a baby in my third year working with Venus ceremonially, and Yesterday/Venus Day, I did a group Oracle Divination for the Evening Star phase🌹🌚It’s meant to nurture our path with Venus. Whether at Earth Star, or Root Gate as I am, it’s for this entire...