MELTed Self Care for your Soul and Instagram Yoga Challenges!

Happy Feet!!

Love and Light

“The whole universe appears as a dynamic web of inseparable energy patterns… Thus we are not separated parts of a whole. We are a Whole.”
Barbara Ann Brennan in Hands of Light


Day 25 of #nourishwithyoga is
#ArdhaBaddhaPadmottanasana#halfboundlotusstandingforwardbend. Minus the forward bend for me today Namaste

“I have heard that on the day the world was born, the bird of love was released to fly.
It searched all the three worlds
but could not find a fit resting place.
So it turned and entered the inmost heart,
favoured it and never flew elsewhere.
The three worlds asked it then,
‘Why are you attached to the human heart?’
‘Suffering,” it replied, “is the only hope for humans.
Where there is sorrow, there I dwell.’
Where there is grief in the world, love has its dwelling. – Mir Sayyid Manjhan Shattari Rajgiri

Namaste to the hosts
@momwhatsfordinner @sandra_thornburg

@paisleyanneyoga and sponsors @karmaladesigns
@shencreations @lineagewear @lunajaiathletic @glowgirlfitness @indolovejewelry @rebelaffair @barefootyoga

Day 14 – The Final Day of ‪#‎blossomintoasanas‬ is ‪#‎SuryaNamaskar‬‪#‎SunSalutation‬ for balancing all the Chakras. I’ve simply loved this challenge and working with the chakra system. A huge thank you to the hosts and sponsors! Love and Light!
“As we explore the aura and the chakras, it is important for us to view our journey not as revolutionary, but rather as very traditional. Chakras, as well as auras and electromagnetic fields, are as old as the earth itself. The chakra system, in fact, is a part of the ancient and lost mysteries. And, in the end, the chakra system in our bodies is how we find our way back to the most ancient mystery of all – God, the Oneness, the Omniscient.” – Rosalyn L. Bruyere – Wheels of Light

Namaste to the hosts @lonestar_yogi @momwhatsfordinner @brit_labonte and @bad_yogi_trix
and sponsors @onzie @raggedapparel @palmsandsolessa and‪#‎nourishtheworkshop‬ @unlock_your_chakra

Love and Light,


Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances

Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances

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