MELTed Self-Care Instagram Challenge Day 12
Day 12 is here . . . This challenge has gone by too fast! Two more days of self care, and I hope you continue to share! Its been so fun seeing all of you!
Challenge Day 12: Shoulder Blade Glide and Shear (Shoulder Blades)
Snap a pic of the shoulder blade glide and shear or your favorite shoulder stretch!
This is a great move. I’m showcasing the indirect shear to create a cellular fluid exchange around the shoulder blade. If you hear any snapping, popping, or cracking while moving the arm, place your fingers on your shoulder to shorten the lever and it should go away! It’s not wise to move through that noise, shorten the range so it’s quiet and smooth. Also showing a fav neurostrength move, Arm and Hammers for shoulder stability!!
Between time at the desk and the gym, It’s easy for stress to get stuck in our shoulders, particularly around the shoulder blades. The shoulder blade glide and shear is fast way to give this area the TLC it deserves and reduce the tension that we build there.
The bonus is that stress free shoulders don’t just feel better. The also set the foundation for better posture and less neck strain!
Tag #MELTedSelfCare and @indigokinetics and @thedancingsoul
Day 26 of #flowittogether is #chaturangadandasana –#fourlimbedstaffpose.
This is a tough one for me to keep my form in, so I bolster with the melt roller to assist building the pose as I take weight off the roller!!
I’m grateful for stepping out of my comfort zone, out of my belief patterns, putting my cards on the table, letting myself see someone else’s cards, without judgment, being completely vulnerable and admitting I have no idea what I’m doing, what tomorrow will bring, but I’m willing to learn. That mystery of stepping out of my box makes me grow and open in ways I can’t even imagine. Love and Light!
“Time to cash in your chips
put your ideas and beliefs on the table.
See who has the bigger hand
you or the Mystery that pervades you.
Time to scrape the mind’s shit
off your shoes
undo the laces
that hold your prison together
and dangle your toes into emptiness.
Once you’ve put everything
on the table
once all of your currency is gone
and your pockets are full of air
all you’ve got left to gamble with
is yourself.
Go ahead, climb up onto the velvet top
of the highest stakes table.
Place yourself as the bet.
Look God in the eyes
and finally
for once in your life
― Adyashanti
Namaste to the hosts and sponsors @chez_dzendolet @momwhatsfordinner @sandra_thornburg @jazzy_pro @omshanticlothing @malabella_jewelry @yogapaws @thepaprikashop
Love and Light,
Protected: Sounds of Imbolc
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Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances
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A Collective Venus Evening Star Oracle Divination
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