MELTed Self-Care Instagram Challenge Day 13
#MELTedSelfCare Challenge Day 13: Double Arm Reach (Pec Opener)
Day13 – Snap a pic of the double arm reach or your favorite pec opener!
I probably have this move in my map about every other day! It truly is a powerful one for me to move the stuck stress out of my arm lines! Try it with the hands open and then closed in a fist, and then flip the hands down to the floor, and do it with palms open and then closed in a fist again! Your shoulders and neck will thank you for the attention!
Many of us don’t realize that a lot of the tension that we experience in our neck and shoulder blades comes from tightness in the front of the chest and the arms, which can come from an active life like push-ups or inactive life like sitting.
The double arm reach is a simple, easy way to open this area and create more freedom in both the front back of the body. Major culprits in this arm line include the pecs and biceps. Do you have a favorite way for opening the pecs?
Tag #MELTedSelfCare and @indigokinetics and @thedancingsoul
Awesome pants by @bohemian_island
Day 27 of #flowittogether is #urdhvamukhosvanasana –#upwardfacingdog! I have grown to love this one over the years! Its challenging for sure but makes me feel strong and graceful!
I’m headed out to San Francisco in a few hours, and in honor of hearing Adyashanti speak, as well as Caroline Myss and other thought leaders and poets, I’m closing with these words today by Adya . . . See in you San Fran
Love and Light!
“Through the whole trajectory from birth to childhood to adolescence and then into adulthood, we change so much, not only physically but also emotionally and intellectually, yet something remains unchanged. That sense of something unchanged is the eternal spark within. At the beginning it may be felt as a very subtle, almost incomprehensible intuition, but when we bring our full attention to that felt intuition of what’s the same throughout our whole lives, then that little seed of divine radiance can begin to reveal itself, can begin to shine brighter and brighter in our lives.”
― Adyashanti
Awesome pants by @bohemian_island . They are SO comfy and well worth the wait!! Thank you!!
Namaste to the hosts and sponsors @chez_dzendolet @momwhatsfordinner @sandra_thornburg @jazzy_pro @omshanticlothing @malabella_jewelry @yogapaws @thepaprikashop
Love and Light,
Protected: Sounds of Imbolc
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Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances
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