Sharing Some Love . . .

Books and Workshops!

Sharing Some Love . . . Books and Workshops!

Here’s a quick scope about a book review I’m working on. I’m working on the blog and periscope prep for my take on why you should buy The MELT Method book and begin your journey of caring for your connective tissue!


day27nourishyogaIf you are in the Palm Beach Gardens area, don’t forget my first Intro to The MELT Method workshop is coming up . . .

Saturday, October 3rd at Forever Fitness on Military and PGA.

Click here for more information and to register.

Love and Light,


“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” – Steve Jobs
Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances

Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances

Venus Celestial Inspirations in Culture and Mythology, Oracle Divination Highlights, and 2022 Morning Star Moon Dances. As with many cultural myths and stories of the hero/heroine's journey, we are gifted allegories as inspiration to reflect upon our own life's...

A Collective Venus Evening Star Oracle Divination

A Collective Venus Evening Star Oracle Divination

  I’m still a baby in my third year working with Venus ceremonially, and Yesterday/Venus Day, I did a group Oracle Divination for the Evening Star phase🌹🌚It’s meant to nurture our path with Venus. Whether at Earth Star, or Root Gate as I am, it’s for this entire...

It's time to awaken your rhythyms of inner bliss