Gemini Full Moon

Full Moon Blessings!

As I sit here writing to you, I’m feeling the full moon moving deeply through my being. And my heart is full as the rains fall in California! Blessings indeed!

This moon comes after our Earthly initiation into Winter… I’ve needed extra time to rest and integrate after all that happened last year and everything alive in this new wheel of the year…

I’ve felt a bit out of sorts as I offered much up for release, and now, I rest in the great pause between the old me and the new that will birth from within…

Our Gemini moon is an air sign, related to the throat chakra/expression. I’ve randomly needed to use my voice, chanting, humming, even a few screams in my car.

It’s amazing how much energy we can move through our voice.

How is this moon moving through you right now? What’s alive within you?

On tomorrow’s full moon and Thanksgiving, if it feels right for you, take time to speak what you’re grateful for.

Literally speak it aloud!!!

Then, speak aloud what you’re willing to put to death in your life, in the world…

And finally, speak aloud the dreams and desires alive within you … What do you see in your future?

No need for action now … this is the dreaming time of the year, the great winter pause … just speak aloud what’s alive and then rest in it…

Follow Gaia’s rhythms and integration and wholeness will come alive.


A life guided by the ancient wisdom of the moon… cyclical… rhythmic… waxing… waning… exploring… integrating… Remembering her rhythms course through our blood and keep the beat in our bones…


I’m leaving for my Egypt Pilgrimage in a few weeks. We’re almost finished with our current 40 – day meditation… Wow! Where has time gone?

This has come so quickly. The activations and energy surrounding Egypt have been building so perfectly. I’ll share more on this journey as it unfolds …

Here’s the rest of this week’s events for the full moon …

? Kundalini Yoga at Kula Yoga Shala
Tonight 7-8:30pm

? ONLINE Kundalini w/Recording
Friday 10:15-11:30am

?Kundalini Full Moon Gathering
Juno Beach Access #35

And I’ve felt a deep call to love up on Gaia and all sentient beings … my next 40 Day Meditation will begin the New Moon on January 5th, 2019.

We’ll do a meditation, Siri Gaitri Meditation for global healing with the mantra,

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung ~
Sun, Moon, Earth, Cosmos, I am you!

Mmmm every time I say this I feel a deep remembering to our ancient roots. The world and Gaia need our love and this is just the meditation gem for such work … more deets on all this soon.

“The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.” ~ Deng Ming-Dao


Deep love, Moonbeams ?
Ciao now ♥️

Copyright © 2018 The Dancing Soul, All rights reserved.

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