The other day I was inspired by a conversation about planks and workplace fitness challenges. Are you inspired by challenges or do you shy away?
Someone special in my life is taking on a group challenge at work! I think workplace challenges are wonderful, and after spending so many years in a corporate wellness center, I saw first hand how these group challenges can inspire people to move and come home to their bodies!!
It’s great having others to help motivate, inspire, and hold us accountable!
Plus, it’s just more fun when others are involved in similar soul and body building activities!
Cheers to embracing life’s challenges like you would a plank or any kind of challenge, with grace, strength, and fluidity . . . I give you a short and sweet video of how I LOVE to work with plank pose!
Plank Pose Reminders
*Keep breath soft and mindful
*Hands or Elbows under shoulders
*Long Neck/Energy moving out and away from the ground with wide and supple shoulders
*Energy always moving out through ALL the fingers and elbows soft when in push up position
*Subtly engage torso inward from all 6 directions-top to bottom/front to back/side to side
*Lengthen heels/tailbone and crown of head in opposite directions
*DON’T force, grip, or tighten ANYTHING (be fluid, like water)
*Slightly turn corners of your mouth up into a smile (see how that simply helps everything?)
Love and Light to you ALL!
“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way round or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.” ~ Bruce Lee
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Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances
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A Collective Venus Evening Star Oracle Divination
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