Here’s a refresher of Day 6 MELTed Self-Care Challenge and Day 20 of Flow It Together Yoga Challenge . . .
Snap a pic of the MELT Calf Glide and Shear from the Lower Body Compression Sequence or your favorite calf stretch!
I love the calf work. It’s always been an area of restriction for me, so I pay special attention to them. Take note if you are more sensitive in the lower area of the calf than the upper . . . this could be indicative of hip instability. The MELT NeuroStrength work is briliant for stabilizing the joints and improving muscle timing! Happy Calves = Happy Girl!!
One way to rehydrate connective tissue and reduce the sticky spots or barriers in your tissue is through gentle compression moves like the MELT calf glide and shear. The calves are an important area to address, because they play such an important role in functional movement.
When our calves are stuck, it’s harder on our hips, knees and back to access good squatting and walking mechanics. Regularly opening your calves will make daily motions more efficient with less stress on your joints!
Tag #MELTedSelfCare and @indigokinetics and @thedancingsoul
For my local peeps use hashtag #meltpalmbeach
Day 20 of #flowittogether is #EKAPADARAJAKAPOTASANA – #mermaidpose, and I’m working on the bind, I can feel my hands getting closer and steady progress makes me happy!
Today I’m reminded of the importance to have courage to stand confidently in my own skin and not to let the world dictate how I feel or what I do . . . I vow to stand strong in my own center and follow my heart always! Maya Angelou always says it best . . .
“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.”
― Maya Angelou
Namaste to the hosts and sponsors @chez_dzendolet @momwhatsfordinner @sandra_thornburg @jazzy_pro @omshanticlothing @malabella_jewelry @yogapaws @thepaprikashop
Love and Light,