Namaste and Happy Easter Weekend!

Change is inevitable and part of the natural cycles of life. But it isn’t always easy to deal with gracefully. After all, we do tend to be creatures of habit. I’ve found that dropping back into my body is the most efficient way to navigate the unchartered waters change brings about.

Here’s a basic yogic breath to drop into your own natural wisdom and rhythms…

* Stop what you’re doing, close your eyes, and breath in and out through the nose…

* Inhale allow the belly to expand, chest rises, and collarbones lift…

* Exhale allow the collarbones to fall, the chest softens, and the belly pulls in…

*** Notice two things… the space and stillness between the inhale and exhale, and the feeling of heart awareness as the belly draws in.

Even 30 seconds of this will shift how you feel and lower stress levels. Feel free to share your experience with this pranayama (breathing technique).

Om Shanti. Shanti. Shanti. (Peace. Peace. Peace)

Sat Nam. Loves!

Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances

Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances

Venus Celestial Inspirations in Culture and Mythology, Oracle Divination Highlights, and 2022 Morning Star Moon Dances. As with many cultural myths and stories of the hero/heroine's journey, we are gifted allegories as inspiration to reflect upon our own life's...

A Collective Venus Evening Star Oracle Divination

A Collective Venus Evening Star Oracle Divination

  I’m still a baby in my third year working with Venus ceremonially, and Yesterday/Venus Day, I did a group Oracle Divination for the Evening Star phase🌹🌚It’s meant to nurture our path with Venus. Whether at Earth Star, or Root Gate as I am, it’s for this entire...

It's time to awaken your rhythyms of inner bliss