Namaste and Happy Full Moon, Friends!
I hope this finds you shining in the bright guidance of our beautiful full moon in Capricorn.
Since we last met, we moved through the Solstice marking the halfway point of our year and the opportunity to honor our light. The Sun reached its brightest point in a powerful new Moon in Cancer!
Likely, most of you experienced great insight into what’s holding you back from truly thriving in life. As the Sun illuminated the depths of our being during the dark of that new moon, we noticed firmly rooted needs and desires come up, those whose rivers run deep.
As grandmother moon grew brighter through her waxing (growing) phase, we’ve also grown with her to more fully recognize what we want out of life, our relationships, family, and careers. There’s a powerful portal with our full moon to finally release the fear and insecurities keeping us from thriving.
With our Earthy and grounded full moon in Capricorn, we’re supported in laying the foundation for our roots, to step into this new way of being in our light.
We’re being asked to deepen our courage when it comes to following our truth, our hearts, and to take action to create the life we desire. As Maya Angelou said so beautifully,
“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.” ~ Maya Angelou
The Moon represents the hidden aspects of our psyche. She governs our inner rhythms and tides as she does the oceans. Three days around our new and full Moons, (the day before, day of, and the day after), pay attention to what’s coming up, how you’re reacting to situations, your activity, your creativity.
Notice what arises so you can release what’s holding you back from moving and growing in life. We can’t stay still or in the same spot for too long, nothing in nature does without suffering the consequences of such stagnation. We learn how to dance with these rhythms of change by reconnecting to our nature. We flow through life with more grace and courage.
Lastly, a few announcements …
Tonight, Amanda and I are hosting our second Experience Intentional Bliss at The Inner Brew. This time, it’s all about MELT and Sound healing.
Amanda will guide you through a few juicy MELT sequences while I provide live sound healing. Then, I’ll guide you through a blissful final relaxation (Savasana), followed by a powerful Kundalini full moon meditation to honor our beautiful grandmother moon and assist in working with her energy.
If you’re free Sunday, please join me and my Kundalini sister, Silvina LaMorte. We met during our time in India and she’s visiting from Argentina. We’re hosting a Kundalini Dance Workshop. Infused with a sweet kriya, meditation, and dance to world music including African, American, and Indian.
For all the details head over to my events calendar at The Dancing Soul
*** If you’re interested in our Tulum, Mexico retreat … click the following link for more information, Intentional Bliss
As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. See you on the next new moon, rhythmic ones.
Sat Nam, Loves! ?
“Don’t worry if you’re making waves simply by being yourself. The moon does it all the time.” ~ Scott Stabile!
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Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances
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