New Moon Solar Eclipse

Happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse From Cape Town, South Africa!
Do you feel like…
Self-judgment and criticism are holding you back from accomplishing what you want in life?
If so, you’re not alone. I’ve secretly struggled with this most of my life and it came out in full force when I decided to start my online biz!
I’ve spent the last three years battling with my own mind and all the ways I judge myself on video… my voice, my look, my everything. You name, I’ve felt it and thought it ….
As I’ve been deepening my meditation practice, I’ve been noticing these voices when they arise and have become less reactive to them.
For me, this is why meditation is so beneficial. We practice so we can use it in the thick of life. This is where it comes into play.
My ONLINE STUDIO is now LIVE and open for business! OMG!!! ? I couldn’t be happier with this and my web team over at Mediahabit #yourock
When you purchase ANY On Demand product you own it for life.
Can’t make it live to my online Kundalini classes? No Problem, you’ll receive the recording and have unlimited access for a week to take class at your convenience. *** Note classes will resume when I return from travel the first week of March ~ Once I get to Amsterdam, if I have sufficient internet, I may do class and will update on social media if we’re on.
I’m so grateful for YOU and all these ways I get to share. Thank you for being you and being here with me!
“All of this newly created space that we have made in our lives since the start of the year is going to be perfectly filled with this loving, abundant, and positive energy from February’s Solar Eclipse.”
New Moon/Solar Eclipse Blessings!
These celestial happenings are at it again. We have an Aquarian New Moon and a Partial Solar Eclipse!
Remember, a New Moon starts a new Lunar cycle and is a potent time to envision and plant what you’d like to bring into your life. With our partial Solar Eclipse comes extra potent creative energy, and with NO full moon in February, it’s all about manifestation this month. We’ve been releasing a lot lately and now we have an opportunity to create without abandon.
The energy of Aquarius brings a joyful, gentle and ‘bigger picture’ kind of energy, which can be quite useful for finding creative solutions and cultivating a hopeful atmosphere.
And if we’re being brutally honest, after another mass shooting this week and all the lives that have been drastically changed by the actions of one person, the world needs more creative solutions and more of us taking time to reflect how we are contributing to our shared global home..
Take some time today to quiet the outer world for a few minutes. This is often quite enough to help you sense what this means for you at this moment in time and how you can contribute to the change that’s trying to work its way into our world…
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain
In The Moment with The Dancing Soul…
Well, after a 2-hour flight to Atlanta, an 8-hour flight to Amsterdam, and a final 12-hour flight, I FINALLY arrived in Cape Town, South Africa!
Whew, and I thought the 15-hour flight to India was a journey! ?
Cape Town is pretty rad so far, it’s scorching hot, even for this Floridian, but I’m digging the vibes. We drove along the Western Cape coastline today sightseeing and went to Simonstown to see the African penguins in their natural habitat! This is a beautiful country and the penguins are just SO very cool and SO very adorable!!!
I’m with two friends who I met in India last year and we are exploring the sights here before heading to South Africa’s wine country then on to our Level Two Kundalini teacher training a few hours out of the city!
I’ll come back to explore Cape Town a bit more after our training before heading to my final leg, a week Amsterdam!
You up can follow along with me virtually if you like here on Instagram or here on Facebook. I’m posting pics daily and would love to have you tag along.
Until next time…
Ciao, Loves! ?
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