Full Moon Pisces Medicine
Namaste and Happy Full Moon in Pisces, Dancing Souls!
I hope this finds you calmly preparing for Irma, settling into the watery and dreamy state of our Pisces Full Moon energy, and finally settling from our intensely fiery eclipse in all its powerful Leo energy!
The seeds we planted with the last new moon/eclipse are sprouting and becoming clearer, especially under the light of our intuitive full moon. We should gain clarity and sense the insights of this new life we’ve been cultivating!
Release the last fragments of whatever has been coming up for you since the eclipse. Use the light of the moon to shed the layers holding you back. Trust in the natural flow of what’s organically unfolding these days for you.
‘Because of our connection to the elements, we also have the capacity to heal the waters, just as the waters can heal us.’ ~ Grandmother Mona
How was the eclipse for you? Wasn’t it breathtaking???
It was the most amazing event of my life so far! With over two minutes of totality, the diamond ring around the Sun was breathtaking!! Venus was proud in her daytime sky and my heart was exploding as I laid on mama Gaia taking it all in!
The love as the Moon began her embrace of the Sun was awe inspiring. The shifts in temperature and light as she enveloped her solar partner more fully left me with a great appreciation for our life giving Sun and the mysterious nature of the Moon. The shadows of the leaves resembling a crescent moon and sounds of creatures navigating their experience left me with immense love for the flow of life.
Flying home and staring out of the window at this amazing Earth, well, it was all indescribably different somehow …
“‘We know the Creator can bless us with answers through water,’ Grandmother Mona says. ‘That element can help us with understanding. The more we honor and feel gratitude toward water, the greater the assistance we will receive from it in our lives.’
With Irma moving closer to our lands, let us send a collective prayer to Gaia and her waters. We offer a Hawaiian healing prayer, Ho’oponopono Prayer…
We say to the water, “Water, I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.”
We wrap Irma and all in her path in a loving soft pink light. We embrace her and soften her with our hearts as we connect to hers! I offer a mantra for protection,
Aad guray nameh, jugaad guray nameh
Sat guray nameh, siri guroo dayv-ay nameh
I bow to the primal wisdom.
I bow to the wisdom true through the ages.
I bow to the true wisdom. I bow to the great unseen wisdom.
Lastly, please enjoy this FACEBOOK LIVE VIDEO, a gift to help ease your stress this coming weekend if you are with us here in Florida! It’s from our Full Moon Sound Bath last night on the beach! It was an epic first of many events as The Crystal Vibe Tribe, a collective of Sound Healers coming together to raise vibrations, open our hearts, and connect us to one another.
We thank you all for joining us and sending a collective prayer to protect us and our lands during this weekend. Please stay safe,
Sat Nam, Loves!
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