Happy Super Moon in Gemini!

Namaste and Happy Super Moon in Gemini! 


Hi, Friends! I’m a bit early this month as our Full Moon isn’t until Sunday. But there’s much happening this weekend and I don’t want you to miss out on all the gatherings …

First, how was your Thanksgiving? Mine was filled with family, ice skating with my great niece, aka my birthday twin, Aryana, and grandma’s cooking! I mean, seriously, it doesn’t get any better. ?✌??

Have you been experiencing the intensity of our waxing moon? Our internal rhythms and tides are churning as grandmother moon grows into her fullness. The Super Moon adds a high voltage jolt to this dance leading us fully into our being, calling us to drop our masks and step into the essence of our humanity.

It’s asking us to show up for ourselves and others in our moment’s of weakness, strength, hurt, joy, fear, mistakes, accomplishments, courage, in ALL of our realness… in this messiness is where magical alchemy happens!

2017 has been a year of change like no other. You’ve likely gotten to know yourself, your loved ones, where you’re headed, and where you’ve come from in a deeper more intimate way than ever before. Take a moment this Full Moon to appreciate where you’ve been this year. Honor the lessons you’ve learned, the ups and downs, the hard times, the joys, the rock your world awesomeness you totally didn’t expect, and all the accomplishments and insights you’ve gained through it all.

You ARE exactly where you are supposed to be. Learning to meet ourselves with complete abandon is one of the greatest acts of kindness towards ourselves and all those we encounter on our Earth walk.

“Meeting yourself where you are and not running away is one of the most courageous things you can do. And when you do that, you discover a power that can never be taken away. You become unstoppable. You find your natural magic.” ~ Natalie Ann Taggart

Often self-improvement is looked at as a selfish act or things only self-involved or privileged people do. I feel part of my work is to shed light on how incredibly ridiculous this notion is.

Just imagine, if everyone took a little time to focus on ALL the parts of themselves that are unseen. What if everyone on Earth took time to clear their own baggage, their own reactions, judgments, fears, and insecurities and began to develop the courage to fully cultivate their passions, creative endeavors, acceptance, clarity of mind, and emotional maturity.

Seriously, I’ll wait… sit for a few minutes and feel what this kind of world would be like… ?

I’m passionate and smitten by the ancient ways of living with this beautiful Earth and these amazing body vessels we’re gifted with. It’s inspired me create my meditation course. It will be launching in 2018 and is a guided journey to developing greater clarity, deeper states of calm, and emotional maturity. I’ll have more details on this in my final newsletter of the year for our upcoming New Moon.

“You have everything you need within you to create what you desire. It’s already there — the blueprint, the steps, the plan. But Spirit doesn’t like to give away the whole shebang. She’ll give you one step, then see if you’re brave enough to take it. If you are, she’ll give you the next. Rinse and repeat.” ~ Natalie Ann Taggart

In The Moment with The Dancing Soul…

❤️ ? ❤️  Aquarian Sadhana at Kula Yoga Shala, Saturday, December 2, 4:30-7am

I’m up again to lead Sahana tomorrow morning. If you’ve never tried meditating during the ambrosial hours I encourage you to try it at least once. You can go straight back to bed after it’s over if you like. LOL! Totally serious on this, I do it often. ?  Click here for all the details

❤️ ? ❤️  Moving Meditations ~ Kundalini Dance
with live DJ, Jdos!
  Saturday, December 2, 3-4:30PM
Downtown Dance in Lake Worth. 

If you’ve never tried Kundalini yoga and/or think you can’t dance or meditate, please challenge yourself to try something new. Our supermoon in Gemini is nudging you to step out of your comfort zone! You may be surprised how amazing you feel!

If you secretly wish to feel happier, lighter, and more connected to your body you’ll want to join us for sure. ?

Self Investment:
$25 pre-register ~ Discount ENDS at midnight tonight!  ~ paypal.me/TheDancingSoul/25
$30 Day of Event

❤️ ? ❤️  Full Moon Sound Bath and Water Blessing on the Beach. Sunday, December 3, 4-5:30pm

Our band, The Crystal Vibe Tribe is uniting again under the light of the Full Moon, All the details can be found by clicking here on our event page. 

❤️ ? ❤️  Lastly, thank you to all of you who shared your biggest meditation and mindfulness struggles with me since we last met under the dark of the new moon. 

Your input was so brilliant and inspired many new seeds to be planted here at The Dancing Soul.

I’ll have all the details wrapped up in next months newsletter, but stay tuned for my upcoming 5-day meditation challenge and my newest baby, my Meditation Course opening for registration in 2018.

I’m deeply grateful for YOU and your presence in my life and my work!
“The moon lives in the lining of your skin.” ~ Pablo Neruda

Sat Nam and Peace, Loves! ?

Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances

Venus Morning Star Magic, Mythology, Divination, and Moon Dances

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It's time to awaken your rhythyms of inner bliss