Enchanting Moon

Full Moon Blessings, Friends!
I hope this finds you well on this extra spiritual full moon in Sagittarius.
Typically, and rightfully so, every month at the full moon we are reminded to release and purge. But there’s always two sides …
As I was reminded by a teacher, it’s also about illumination of what HAS come to fruition and harvest in our life.
What new things have we accomplished? Where have we improved old attitudes, habits, and relationship patterns?
A Sagittarius full moon is a portal to higher truths and expanded consciousness. Being the most spiritual of all the signs, whenever the moon is in Sag, we are connected to the power of ritual and in that find the courage to walk through the portal door for continued growth in all areas of life, especially spiritually.
Often, choosing to look at what we’ve accomplished and are grateful for creating, and how we’ve grown, can be a catalyst for courage and growth.
Below is my Full Moon Video sharing with a mantra known to give victory in all aspects of life. It connects you to your infinite power and creativity beyond this physical body.
For my weekly class/monthly event schedule head over to my calendar
For more sharings, meditations, and sweets, follow me on social media by clicking the social media icons below.
In honor of my growing desire to streamline my online work, social media is the preferred platform for my sharing as my desire to continue creating newsletters is fading.
If you LOVE my newsletters and wish for me to continue them please let me know…
Anyway, for now, the icons below will take you to my pages where I share goodies pretty much every day. Go ahead, don’t be shy, let’s be social.
Sending you all much love and light!
Ciao, Loves!
“A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness. It is an expression of humility. It is a foundation for the development of such virtues as prayer, faith, courage, contentment, happiness, love, and well-being.” ~ James E. Faust
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