by Tanya Marie Clark | meditation, Sound Healing, Uncategorized
FREE Resource LIbrary Open/Lunar Eclipse Blessings! Happy Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse! Hey, Friends! Do you struggle to sit in a cross-legged ‘meditation’ position because your knees, back, and hips scream at you the entire time? If you feel pain, are...
by Tanya Marie Clark | meditation, The Dancing Soul
Happy New Moon/Winter Solstice Namaste and Happy New Moon/Winter Solstice! I hope this finds you in good spirits and enjoying this beautiful time of year. We’ve been blessed with cool weather here in South Florida, perfect for getting into the holiday spirit,...
by Tanya Marie Clark | meditation
Scorpio New Moon Meditation Musings Namaste, Friends! Happy New Moon and Samhain Season! In this final waning phase of the year, the dark moon in watery Scorpio is full of endings, deep dives into our psyche, permission to rest in the depths of our inner world, and...
by Tanya Marie Clark | meditation, Sound Healing
Full Moon Taurus and Meditation Medicine Namaste and Happy Full Moon in Taurus! Our Fall full moon is a time to reflect on our Earth Walk. We’ve journeyed far and wide to get to this point of our lives. Feel into what that looks like for you. Give a prayer of...
by Tanya Marie Clark | meditation
Guided Heart Meditation with Sound Healing! Namaste, Loves! Enjoy the sweet sounds of the alchemy crystal singing bowls with a guided heart meditation. If you find benefit in this, please share your experience in the comment section, share with anyone in need of heart...
by Tanya Marie Clark | meditation
Free Meditation - 3 Days ONLY! Namaste, Powerful Ones! For the next three days, you can access my Tattva meditation for FREE in my online studio. Simply create your Namastream account using FB, Google, or email and you’re off to greater clarity and heart power...