by Tanya Marie Clark | Alternative Therapies for Healing, Book Reviews, MELT, Movement Essentials, RSD/CRPS
Why Should You Read The MELT Method Book You Ask? Why do I think you, as a living breathing being, should know about The MELT Method book! MELT is a simple self treatment technique that helps you to get out of and stay out of pain Who is Sue Hitzmann you Ask?...
by Tanya Marie Clark | Alternative Therapies for Healing, Sound Healing, Travel
In The Moment With The Dancing Soul 7 Welcome to a long overdue, In The Moment With The Dancing Soul! Namaste Friends! Wow! So much has been happening lately . . . This past July I was asked to be a teaching assistant for the advanced MELT training at Red...
by Tanya Marie Clark | Alternative Therapies for Healing, Movement Essentials
My New Crystal Singing Bowl and MELT Classes 7 Namaste Friends! I’m in heaven!! I found my Quartz Crystal singing bowl! I’m totally in love! I hope my neighbors are too, LOL!! I knew the moment I heard this one, it was coming home with me! Its vibration is...
by Tanya Marie Clark | Alternative Therapies for Healing, Movement Essentials, RSD/CRPS
Rest and Restore 7 Namaste Beautiful Souls! I have spaces open this Sunday in Palm Beach Gardens! The topic is ‘Calming the Stress Reflexes to Restore Healing’ I’ll teach you one of my FAVORITE maps created personally by Sue Hitzmann, my mentor...
by Tanya Marie Clark | MELT, Movement Essentials
Launching The Dancing Soul's Virtual Studio on Powhow Happy New Year!!! I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to be announcing this! I’ve been hard at work trying to make this happen, figuring it all out, and getting approval! It’s here,...