Power and Energy of Words …

Power and Energy of Words …

Power and Energy of Words ... Do you ever stop and think about the power and energy of words? We read them, hear them, speak them, and remember them all the time. What about the consequences or aftermath of the words you speak? Do the lingering stains of those words...
A Beautiful and Insightful Journey!

A Beautiful and Insightful Journey!

A Beautiful and Insightful Journey! 2013 began with a strong current of change! I sensed something greater, something powerful and transforming! I’ve always sought out great teachers for my own growth, their passion is always infectious, and It continually blows...
Natural State to Live with an Open Heart!

Natural State to Live with an Open Heart!

Natural State to Live with an Open Heart! In the wake of the Boston Marathon this quote by Mr. Rogers has gone viral! I felt a deep desire to be a part of this Ocean of Love and Light in the face of such tragedy! I truly believe it is our Natural state to live with an...
Amazing and Powerful!

Amazing and Powerful!

Amazing and Powerful! Pardon the interruption …  I wanted you to know how amazing and powerful you are! You already have all the Passion and Love you could ever imagine or want for dancing intelligently and masterfully through your beautiful body!  You are...
Dance With Your Unique Life-Force!

Dance With Your Unique Life-Force!

Dance With Your Unique Life-Force! Do you recall moments in your life when Grace touched you? Do you dance with your unique Life-Force or block it? What do you do with moments of insight into your own potential? Do you ignore the moments when Grace arrives...
Open Heart

Open Heart

Open Heart A thoughtful insight on living with a Open Heart … When I witness the challenges we face every day, how differently we all process them, and how we struggle to understand other’s perspectives, I begin to see why Presence and a Open Heart are of...

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