Dances of The Soul

Dances of The Soul

Dances of The Soul Which part of your being vies for your attention upon waking? Does your mind take over and begin to immediately fill your head with all the details and obstacles you are sure to encounter, or remind you of the ones you didn’t deal with yesterday? Is...
Why Eat Breakfast?

Why Eat Breakfast?

Why Eat Breakfast? Why eat breakfast? We have all heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and for good reason. We should eat breakfast like a king, this is what everyone hears, but why do so many continue to skip this crucial meal? A number of people...

Benefits of Pilates

Benefits of Pilates Are you curious about the benefits you could gain by adding a Pilates program to your exercise routine? Through Pilates you begin a conversation with your body and mind. The intimate knowledge and dialogue you will discover will help you through...

Seasons of Change!

Seasons of Change! Change is inevitable, at a cellular level we are constantly changing, at a mental level we are always contemplating what needs to be done and how we would like to change, the tides are ever changing, the universe is one big beautiful process of...

New Reality

New Reality Imagine a world where your words and thoughts create exactly what you want, an existence where you have a thought and it manifests into your reality. Would you like a new reality? How would it feel to have the relationship with your perfect partner? Would...

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