by Tanya Marie Clark | Alternative Therapies for Healing
Periscope LOVE! A bit of MELT work on the lower outer thigh to aid in my recovery from a fabulous night in the dance studio!! Love that I have tools to help my tissues repair and rest! What a fabulous chat today on Periscope! ? I had people from Norway, England,...
by Tanya Marie Clark | Love, MELT, Movement Essentials, RSD/CRPS
Where is Your Energy Currency Being Spent? I’m doing a 5 day Periscope challenge to help me become comfortable with this new medium for sharing. Here is my first scope challenge of the day. Talk about something motivational or inspirational . . . So,...
by Tanya Marie Clark | MELT, Movement Essentials
MELT on Nightline and Good Morning America! Happy Thursday! Here it is . . . MELT was featured on Nightline and then the companion segment on Good Morning America this morning. Sue Hitzmann, MELT creator and my teacher, worked with a fitness instructor who has been...
by Tanya Marie Clark | MELT, Movement Essentials
MELT Love! MELT Love! Happy Valentines Day! I have been busy working on ways to bring MELT to you and those you LOVE . . . I’m hosting an Intro Workshop at Downtown Dance in Lake Worth, February 15, 2015! I’m feeling the MELT Love … I’m gifting...
by Tanya Marie Clark | Love, MELT, Movement Essentials
In the Moment with The Dancing Soul! In the moment with The Dancing Soul . . . NYC is always a great date for a gal, and I’m certainly a woman in love with the energy and culture that is our beloved NYC!! Every time I...